November 12
Behind the Scenes: Notes from Director Glenn Holsten
Filming at Broad Street Ministry during a pandemic had its challenges, and there were moments when I wondered if this series would ever happen. Those moments of doubt were erased by unexpected encounters of love and light with Broad Street Ministry guests.
David Woods’ testimonial to the great love of his life, Sade, was particularly moving. We sat with David as he took us through the many dimensions of his powerful first love, which started with great romance and ended with heartbreaking loss. After losing Sade to illness, David planned to end his own life. However, an interception with a compassionate police officer, showed David a path forward. He also credits his faith as a significant force in his life. On the day we filmed with David the weather was fickle, and clouds passed overhead, blocking out the light in our Sunday School Room Studio. You will notice in his video that the sun dips in and out, but it shines in the end. It was as if the world was responding to his storytelling.
Marisol Olivero is another Broad Street Ministry guest who brought her big heart to the Sunday School Room Studio. I’ve never met a more empathetic human being. She cried as she listened to every story shared by other guests. Then, when it was her turn to be on camera, she quieted her nerves and fearlessly shared simple, profound truths about life. A few of her moving thoughts:
The more humans, the more beautiful the world is.
A lot of times every day feels like my favorite day.
I got this kind of heart, like, if I see someone else hurt, it would hurt me too.
Marisol’s positive energy was like pure sunshine streaming into the Sunday School Room Studio and lifted all of our spirits.
Finally, Princess McGeachy, who faithfully participated in our production workshops before filming, showed up on the final hour of the final day of filming with a folder full of old photos. One by one, she shared pictures that had some meaning to her life story. Quite remarkably, she improvised a song inspired by each image (or more correctly, by the memory triggered by each image). I held my breath as Princess told and sang her story. It was one of the most tender and wondrous improvisations that I’ve ever witnessed.
Moments such as these with David, Marisol and Princess were life affirming and really deepened my faith in the power of art. Art with heart. It was a great honor to be witness to and document such sensitive and thoughtful storytelling. I hope you enjoy experiencing these stories as much as I did filming them.